Letter from the Editor
-- Viola Meng
Hello image professionals, I welcome all of you to the November issue of Image Perspective! There are two months left for 2020. During this year, together we’ve gone through turbulence and changes, but also provided support and encouragement.Just last month, we had a very successful educational event that not only provided the community with knowledge and techniques, but also a chance for everyone to be connected.
At a time of uncertainty, connection, learning and improvements have become more and more important aspects of our lives. November is the National Education Month, and the 23rd is the International Image Consultant Day. Therefore, we have made this issue specially dedicated to education. First of all, our chapter’s President, Karen, will give us a retrospect of the Educational Conference, for those who have missed it; and announce some of our new plans for the coming year according to YOUR requests at the conference. Since we have many new members who just joined in the chapter who would like to know more about how to get the AICI CIC certificate, in this issue we have a special interview with Lucia Xia, AICI CIC, who shares her experience and talks about this process. I believe it will be very informative and helpful. So don’t miss it!