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AICI West President Gillian Armour, AIC CIP, reached out to Joan Stewart, aka The Publicity Hound, to get an update on advice she provided to our membership once upon a time. Not only did Joan update the information in her original article, but she added more links and resources to help us market and promote ourselves.


9 Page Digital eBook with over 10 additional resources including links to Joan's course - 89 lessons in 11 modules that include topics such as headline writing, how to write the body of the release, search engine optimization, how to use photos, how to incorporate audio and video, and how to use free and paid press release distribution services.


Upon purchase a confirmation email will be sent that includes the download link for this item.

eBook How Image Consultants Can Get Free Publicity

  • This eBook is a secured PDF file that can be downloaded and read off line. Printing, scanning, sharing, duplicating is not permitted. This eBook is for your personal use only. 

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